Science doesn't need to be complicated or difficult and these easy science experiments below are awesome for kids! Visually stimulating, hands-on, and sensory-rich which makes them both fun to do and perfect to teach simple science concepts at home or in the classroom. Also check out our top STEM activities.


STEM activities for kids. The best resource for science activities and STEM challenges you will ever need. We have everything science including chemistry and physics for kids for ages 3-9. We even have slime science and homemade slime recipes. Simple and easy kids science experiments that make for fun science activities kids can't get enough of!


Kids are curious and always looking to explore, discover, check out, and experiment to find out why things do what they do, move like they move, or change as they change! My son is now 12 and we started around 3 years of age with simple science activities. Here's our very first experiment.

Science learning starts early, and you can be a part of that with setting up science at home with everyday materials. Or you can bring easy science experiments to a group of kids in the classroom!

We find a ton of value in cheap science activities and experiments. All our science experiments below use inexpensive, everyday materials you can find at home or source from your local dollar store. We even have a whole list of kitchen science experiments, using basic supplies you will have in your kitchen.

You can set up these science experiments as an activity focusing on exploration and discovery. Ask questions, discuss what is happening and talk about the science behind it.

You can also introduce the scientific method, and get kids to record their observations and make conclusions. Read more about the scientific method for kids to help you get started.

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If you only have time for one or two science experiments, here's our suggestions. Our top 10 science experiments for kids are our most popular science experiments of all time and have been done, again and again! You will even find some fun theme variations for a few of these kids science projects.

Click on the titles below to get the full supplies list and easy step by step instructions. Have fun trying these experiments at home or in the classroom, or even use them for your next science fair project!

1. Baking Soda Balloon Experiment

Can you make a balloon inflate on its own? Just a few simple ingredients from the kitchen, baking soda and vinegar, and you have amazing chemistry for kids at your fingertips.

We also have a fun Halloween balloon experiment and a Valentine balloon experiment.

2. Rainbow In A Jar

Enjoy finding out about the basics of color mixing all the way up to the density of liquids with this one simple water density experiment.

artificial rainbow

3. Magic Milk

This color changing milk experiment is an explosion of color in your dish.  Add dish soap and food coloring to milk for cool chemistry!

We even have done it as a Christmas experiment and for St Patrick's Day science.

4. Seed Germination Experiment

Not all kids science experiments involve chemical reactions. This science experiment for kids is lots of fun because they can see how a seed grows for themselves. It is also a great experiment to introduce the scientific method to kids as it is easy to vary the conditions the seeds grow under.

5. Egg Vinegar Experiment

One of our favorite science experiments, also called a naked egg or rubber egg experiment. Can you make your egg bounce?

6. Dancing Corn

Find out how to make corn dance with this easy experiment. Also check out our dancing raisins and dancing cranberries.

7. Crystal Seashells

Growing borax crystals on seashells is actually very easy to do and is a great way to learn about solutions. You could also grow sugar crystals or salt crystals.

Growing crystals is great for themed science. Check out these fun ideas…

  • Rainbows
  • Flowers
  • Pumpkins
  • Hearts
  • Snowflakes
  • Candy Canes
Crystal Seashells Borax Crystal Growing Science Experiment for Kids Summer Science

8. Lava Lamp Experiment

Great for learning about what happens when you mix oil and water. A cool science experiment kids will want to do again and again!

Check out these fun variations…

  • Earth Day Lava Lamp
  • Erupting Lava Lamp
  • Halloween Lava Lamp

9. Skittles Experiment

Who doesn't like doing science with candy? Try this classic skittles science experiment and explore why the colors don't mix when added to water.

10. Lemon Volcano

Watch your kids' faces light up and their eyes widen when you test out cool chemistry with common household items, baking soda and vinegar.

We have so many fun variations of this fizzing, erupting chemical reaction you will want to try. Check out a few below…

Which one of the top 10 science experiments will you try first?

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Learn about the patina of pennies with this green pennies experiment.

Explore sound and vibrations when you try this fun dancing sprinkles experiment with the kids.

Explore how some liquids are heavier or more dense than other liquids with this super easy liquid density experiment.

Make pepper dance across the water with this easy pepper and soap experiment.

Grab some marbles and find out which one will fall to the bottom first with this easy viscosity experiment.

Can you blow up a balloon with just salt and soda?

Pull out the bin of markers and search for the black ones to get started with this fun chromatography lab.

Just a few common ingredients and you are well on your way to ooohhhs and aaahhhs with this alka seltzer science experiment.

Explore friction with this easy floating rice experiment.

Find out how to make the water level rise with a burning candle in water.

Electric cornstarch is perfect as an experiment to demonstrate the power of attraction (between charged particles that is!)

Create a frothing brew with this cool elephant toothpaste experiment.

Love fizzing and exploding experiments? Try this erupting mentos and soda experiment.

Explore changes in air pressure with this crushing soda can experiment.

Can you inflate a balloon with just pop rocks and soda?

Try this cool pop rocks experiment that explores viscosity and the sense of hearing.

Explore what happens to ivory soap in the microwave with this expanding ivory soap experiment.

Test out your sense of smell with a citric acid experiment.

A fun gummy bear experiment all in the name of science and learning.

Explore what solids dissolve in water and what don't with this easy water experiment.

Try this very simple to set up solid, liquid, gas experiment.

Learn about what happens when you mix oil and water together with this oil and water experiment.

Mix up your own bubble recipe and get blowing. Learn about bubbles with these bubble science experime nts.

This easy viscosity experiment looks at different liquids from around the house and compares them to each other.

Make an awesome foam with this yeast and hydrogen peroxide experiment.

How do whales stay warm? Test out how blubber works with this hands-on blubber experiment.

Learn about ocean pollution with an easy oil spill experiment.

Can you make a floating drawing? Try this simple dry erase marker experiment.

Make a homemade lava lamp with salt.

Will it freeze? What happens to the freezing point of water when you add salt.

Learn about osmosis when you try this fun potato osmosis experiment with the kids.

Make your own magnifying glass from a few simple supplies.

Can you make a paperclip float on water? Try this funfloating paperclip experiment!

Turn water vapour into ice when you make frost on a can.

You will love the noise you can make with this screaming balloon experiment.

Make homemade oil and vinegar dressing for fun chemistry you can eat.

Write a secret message with homemade invisible ink.


We have tons more easy science experiments for you to do with your kids. Choose an experiment by topic or theme with fun holiday and seasonal science ideas.

Doing science with younger kids? Check out our science activities for preschoolers!


  • Chemistry Experiments
  • Physics Experiments
  • Fizzing Experiments
  • Candy Experiments
  • Plant Experiments
  • Kitchen Science
  • Water Experiments


  • Valentine's Day Science
  • St Patrick's Day Science
  • Dr Seuss Science
  • Easter Science
  • Earth Day Activities
  • 4th of July Activities
  • Halloween Science Experiments
  • Thanksgiving Science Experiments
  • Christmas Science Experiments


  • Spring Science
  • Summer Science Experiments
  • Fall Science Experiments
  • Winter Science Experiments


STEM activities include science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  As well as our kids science experiments we have lots of fun STEM activities for you to try. Check out these STEM ideas below…

  • Building Activities
  • Self Propelling Car Projects
  • Engineering Projects For Kids
  • What Is Engineering For Kids?
  • Lego Build Ideas
  • Coding Activities For Kids
  • STEM Activities For Toddlers
  • STEM Worksheets
  • Top 10 STEM Activities For Kids

If you LOVE art and STEM make sure to check out our STEAM activities for kids!

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